The project "Signs-Traces-Words Syncretisms of Greek Calabria" an activity financed to the Municipality of Bova by the Region of Calabria - Department of Culture - Action 2 - Strengthening the museum system - Annuality 2017 - CAP Calabria Funds 2014/2020 - Axis 6 Action 6.7.1 It was the first project carried out after the inauguration of the Museum, curated by Prof. Pasquale Faenza and the integrated communication campaign by the photographer Stefano Mileto. The project has made it possible to extend the museum by adding two new sections: the reading room of the Franco Mosino Library and the Giudecca, thus making the museum a true urban museum aimed at embracing the entire Grecanico capital of Bova. The small Bova Museum has thus been enriched with new spaces dedicated to the study of the Greco-Germanic cultural heritage, with greater visibility thanks to a website and with more and more opportunities to discover little-known aspects of Bova's history and the more intrinsic meaning of its millenary Greekness. The artists who have created works of art based on the signs, words and traces of Greek culture preserved in the Hellenophone area of Bova are Angela Pellicanò, Roberto Lucifero and Antonio Pujia Veneziano.