“Pezo ce matthènno - I play and I learn”
The project was financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Regional Affairs, to the Municipality of Bova with the funds of Law 482/99 annuity 2021. The project has promoted recreational activities in the form of a MULTITEMATIC LABORATORY OF SINGING, POETRY, THEATRE, aimed at children and young people, also using ludolinguistics.
The contents of the project are highlighted on the museum's website according to their thematic affinity.
I Cardìa ce to Pigadhi. The heart and the spring"
The project was financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Regional Affairs, to the Municipality of Bova with the funds of Law 482/99 annuity 2022. The project promoted recreational activities in the form of a "multi-thematic workshop of traditional tales, construction of musical instruments and knowledge of peasant terms related to nature" aimed at children and young people, implemented also with the use of ludolinguistics. The project is ongoing and its content will be highlighted on the museum's website for thematic affinity.
PEZO CE MATTHÈNNO 20 Giugno - 4 Settembre 2022
To Komuni tu Vua—me to finantsiamento statale tis legge 482/99 chrono 2021 ce me to afùdima tis Associatsioni Teatro Proskènion—èkame to Progetto “Pezo ce matthenno”, ti ito enan laboratorio multitematico tse tragùdima, poesia ce teatro pù usètsame tin ludolinguistica (kratonda kunto tse posso chronòn issa ta pedìa ce posso iscèrai tin glossa greka) ja na tos matthèome to greko tis Kalavrìa tos pedìo ce tos giùveno.
Ole tes attività tes ekàmame puccia ton Protojuni ston Settembri ston Cipo ton logo ce stin Biblioteca Mosino filoelleno, ti kànnusi mertikò ando Museo civico tis Glossa Greka “Gerhard Rohlfs” tu Vua. Katha modulo eròjie puccia tin Destera stin Parasceguì, otu cini ti epiànnai mertikò isònnai stathì oli tin imera, ce ciola na fau.
To progetto ito ciola mia okkasioni na usètsome mia metodologia artistica ce ludolinguistica ti afùdie ta pedìa na fuskou ce na mattheu me to teatro. Otu, i attività afudìai ola ta pedìa, ta plen ccedda ce ta plen megala, na dìtsusi ce na ìvrusi tin kreatività ce tes potentsialità dikè to.
I charapìa plen magni ja tin Amministratsioni komunali ce ja tin Associatsioni Kulturali Teatro Proskènion—ti ekàmai to progetto “Pezo ce matthenno”—ito na ìvrusi ta pedìa ti agapau poddì tin glossa greka, to chuma to ce tin Chora tu Vua.
I play and I learn 20 June - 4 September 2022
The Municipality of Bova, with the help of the Proskenion Theatre Association, has implemented the project "Pezo ce matthènno - Gioco e imparo", a MULTITEMATIC LABORATORY OF SINGING, POETRY, THEATRE, using LUDOLINGUALISM (adapted according to age and previous knowledge of the language) to bring the Greek language closer to children and young people.
The activities took place continuously from June to September in the Garden of Words - 'O cìpo ton logo' and the Mosino Filoelleno Library, annexes of the 'Gerhard Rohlfs' Civic Museum of the Greek-Calabrian Language in Bova. Each module took place from Monday to Friday, so that participants could stay for lunch and enjoy the whole day.
The project made it possible to apply an artistic and ludic methodology that emphasised, among other things, the pedagogical value of theatre and its educational dimension. The activities were designed and structured for children and young people so that they could freely express and experiment their creativity and potential.
The greatest satisfaction for the Municipality and the Assoc. Culturale Teatro Proskenion, which undertook to implement the 'PEZO CE MATTHÈNNO - GIOCO E IMPARO' project, is the feeling of belonging to one's own language and land, which is also expressed in the drawings of the young participants who love Bova, the Chòra tu Vua of the Greeks of Calabria.