The project 'Dal Contenitore Museale Al Museo En Plein Air' (From the Museum Container to the Open Air Museum) is an activity funded by the Region of Calabria - Department of Culture - Action 2 - Strengthening the Museum System Annuality 2019 - CAP Calabria Funds 2014/2020 Axis 6 Action 6.7.1. The project curated by Prof. Pasquale Faenza and the integrated communication campaign by the photographer Stefano Mileto have made the museum and the Giudecca even more attractive and interesting. One of the most important works/objects was the LITERARY PARK "O CIPO TON LOGO - IL GIARDINO DELLE PAROLE", dedicated to the Grecanica language, in the garden behind the Museum. The work, created by the artist Roberto Lucifero in collaboration with Giuseppe Maesano, one of the last masters of dry-stone walling in Bova and son of the famous Greek-Calabrian poet Mastr'Angelo Maesano, transforms the green space into a small literary park dedicated to reflection and silence, a magical place where you can read ancient songs, liturgical passages and poems, listen to the wind and contemplate the sublime Grecian landscape.
In a symbolic semicircle made of local stone and facing Mount Etna, the most important literary testimonies written in Bova between the 12th and 20th centuries are displayed. Liturgical passages, poems and love songs mark the path of the Greek language and dwell on important moments in the history of Bova. Six pages engraved on stone lecterns recount the transformation of the language, first written with the Greek alphabet and then, after the abolition of the Byzantine liturgical rite in 1572, with the Latin alphabet. A didactic panel equipped with a QR code system makes it possible to listen to the songs in Italian and English. The project has also made it possible to create an important and original contemporary art installation, 'Pirgos Talking Pottery', by Antonio Puija Veneziano, in the ancient Jewish quarter of JUDECCA, documented between the 15th and 16th centuries, located on the western edge of Bova and bordered by the medieval walls and a monumental 18th century palace, which encloses the ancient southern entrance.
The installation is made up of vases that reproduce Seminara ceramics and, at the same time, through the symbols reproduced, offer a vast reservoir of suggestions on Judaism, on the vicissitudes of the Bovese Jews and on the perception of a physical space long forgotten, It restores a mysterious beauty to a place that has come to light thanks to the reading of sources and documents, pages from an 18th century manuscript in which a local scholar, Domenico Alagna, described Judecca and its location in the Pirgoli district, a name derived from the large number of towers that rose in this part of the city. Inside the medieval walls, enhanced by the reflections of vases and plates in glazed and graffitied ceramics, a series of didactic panels, accessible through bilingual QR codes, allow visitors to read the topography of the ancient Giudecca, accompanying them on a journey through the centuries of the history of the Jews of Calabria, expelled from the Kingdom of Naples in 1511 and later in 1541 by order of the Emperor Charles V.