In the garden behind the "G. Rohlfs" Museum, there is space for the literary park "O cipo ton logo- The Garden of Words", dedicated to the Greek language of Calabria, interpreted by Roberto Lucifero in a permanent installation of contemporary art, created in 2020 together with Giuseppe Maesano, one of the last masters of dry-stone walling in Bova, son of the famous Greek-Calabrian poet Mastr'Angelo Maesano, as part of the project "From the Museum Container to the Museum En Plein Air". The work, a symbolic semicircle facing Mount Etna, restores voice to the most important literary evidence written in Bova in a period between the 12th and 20th centuries: liturgical pieces, poems and love songs mark the path of the Greek language, dwelling on the highlights of Bova's history.
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Six lecterns contain liturgical passages, poems and love songs carved in stone, telling the story of the transformation of the language, first written in the Greek alphabet and then, after the abolition of the Byzantine liturgical rite in 1572, in the Latin alphabet. The Greek spoken in Aspromonte, which remained an oral language for centuries, came to the fore again after the rediscovery of some local chants published by Carl Witte in 1821 and thanks to the studies carried out by the German glottologist Gerhard Rohlfs in the 20th century. The park is a corner dedicated to reflection and silence, a magical place to read, listen to the wind and contemplate the sublime Grecian landscape.