The "Biblioteca civica di Bova 3.0" project was only partly financed by the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria through the Bibliocultura initiative "Public notice addressed to the municipalities of the metropolitan area for the granting of economic contributions aimed at supporting initiatives to enrich the library heritage and strengthen the infrastructural equipment of libraries for the year 2020", and therefore only concerned the production of 8 booktrailers relating to texts held in the Museum and texts from the Mosino Fund. What guided the choice of the volumes to be promoted by means of booktrailers was therefore their potential promotional value for both the Franco Mosino library and the G. Rohlfs Museum of the Greek-Calabre Language, but also for the ethnographic heritage of the Greco-Calabre and for the village of Bova itself.
Last but not least, the design of the trailer had to take into account the state of preservation of the volumes in the reading room of the Franco Mosino Library in Bova, and thus their availability to the public. It was therefore decided to highlight the scientific texts related to the figure of Gerhard Rohlfs, in particular the autograph texts with a dedication by the German linguist to the philologist Franco Mosino, the volumes on the Calabrian Greek language, those on the most representative ethnographic assets of Bovesia and those considered milestones in the history of the village of Bova.
In terms of language, it was decided to use formulas similar to those used in film promos in order to reach a wider audience. To this end, each book trailer was also translated into English. Wherever possible, original reviews written by Italian or foreign authors were used and adapted to make them more usable in the book trailers. In other cases, the storyboard texts were provided by Pasquale Faenza, Director of the Museum of the Calabrian Greek Language G. Rohlfs, after consultation, where possible, with the authors of the books being promoted. The structure of the texts that animate the book trailers is based on verses, phrases or quotations from the books themselves, which are explained during the commercial with subtitles that make it easier to read and understand the content.
The subjects of the volumes are: Linguistics, Ethnography, History of Art, Religion, History. These subjects are specifically related to the cultural heritage of Bova and the Greek Aspromonte in general, as they are a central element of the book fund of the Franco Mosino Library in Bova. The commercials, shot by photographer Stefano Mileto, have been produced using sounds and words relevant to the Greek-Calabrian world and to the anthropic and cultural landscapes of the Greek Aspromonte, in order to create the right atmosphere. The books were also promoted with archive images and photographs taken ad hoc in the Grecanico area, particularly in Bova, focusing on the Franco Musico Library, the Museum of the Greek-Calabrian Language, popular traditions and the urban context of Bova, with its churches, works of art and natural beauty.
1- G.Rohlfs, Scavi linguistica della Magna Grecia, collezione di studi meridionali diretta da Umberto Zanotti-Bianco, Halle, Max Niemeyer – Milano, Hoepli, 1933.
2 - A.Catanea, In Terra di Bova, I. T. E Reggio Calabria, 1927.
3 - P.Faenza, F.Tuscano, Storia e vita di San Leo: Santo d’Aspromonte, Laruffa, Reggio Calabria, 2016.
4 - A.Bellio, All’ombra delle pupazze in fiore. Antropologia di un rito nella Calabria grecanica, Kurumuny, Lecce, 2010.
5 - G.Rohlfs, Linguistic excavations of Magna Grecia, collection of southern studies directed by Umberto Zanotti-Bianco, Halle, Max Niemeyer – Milano, Hoepli, 1933.
6 - A.Catanea, In the land of Bova, I. T. E Reggio Calabria, 1927.
7 - P.Faenza, F.Tuscano, History and life of Saint Leo. Santo d'Aspromonte, Laruffa, Reggio Calabria, 2016.
8 - A. Bellio, In the shadow of the “pupazze in fiore”. Anthropology of a rite in Greek Calabria, Kurumuny, Lecce, 2010.